Monday, August 25, 2008


So, firstly, Wiki is a Hawaiian word and means quickly. Oh to be in Hawaii and not here trying to fathom out these exercises!
Wikis are good in that all info can be edited, changed or rewritten by users or members of the site. When new information is found on a subject, it can be added straight away.( Unlike a book which has several processes to go through before being republished.) If a person has knowledge on a subject they can add an entry about it. If there is already an entry but more information is known, it can be edited in. A big disadvantage is that someone can edit out things they don't agree with. Nothing is checked on, so really, this site is not a good one for students who need accurate and up to date information. There are so many other, reliable websites to look at.
I went into book lovers wiki and thought it good. Being able to see a certain genre straight away was a handy thing. However, information about a book to be read for relaxation, is not as important as being able to get true information for assignments.
So, in summing up - Wikis are interesting for pooling information, but not to be taken too seriously.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Lizzie

I too enjoyed finding the booklovers wiki as I am a sucker for someones rave book review. Library Thing was another great find, in that I could set up my own library of loved books.
